CC360 Blog

Personal Vision 2023
Thoughts & Commentary

Horton Hears a What?

Dr. Seuss’s elephant Horton was going about his day (On the fifteenth of May, in the jungle of Nool, In the heat of the day, in the cool of the pool…) when he effectively tapped into Phase II of our BE…coming journey. For reasons unknown, yet daringly true … he

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The Role of FREED Will in Health and Wellbeing 

Why not start out the BE…coming journey by diving into a concept that has been engaging philosophers and neuroscientists for thousands of years (free will)? That shouldn’t take more than a few paragraphs, right? 😊 No – we’re not going to jump in the middle of the Plato, Immanuel Kant

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work your core standing up
Health & Wellness News

Work Your Core Standing Up

Core training is has become a key focus in fitness training because of its ability to strengthen the muscles that move and stabilize the trunk, including the full range of abdominals and back muscles. A strong core powers the body to carry out day-to-day functions, and also reduces stress on

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The Foundation and 7 Progressive Steps of BE…coming

Last week, we introduced the concept of BE…coming. What it means, why it matters, and some of the key elements we’ll be covering in the coming weeks for those of you interested in walking this journey with us to enhance health, wellness & life. If you’d like to take a

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The Opportunity in BE…coming

Becoming: to undergo change or development… to change from one state of existence to another. Its root word “come” is a verb of motion from the Old English cumin, which means “to move with the purpose of reaching, or so as to reach, some point; to arrive by movement or

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8 water facts and questions
Health & Wellness News

How Much Water to Drink? 8 Water Facts and Questions Answered

Do you really need 8 glasses of water every day? Should you filter your tap water? Get answers to these questions and more, including if vitamin-spiked water is worth it. The below 8 water facts and questions will help clear up what most bodies need to maintain good hydration. Do

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Thoughts & Commentary

Are We Asking the Wrong Question?

First Principles Thinking in Context of Employee Wellbeing Strategy It’s that time of year when employers are asking “how can we improve our employee wellness program?” If Aristotle were to poke his head in the room, he’d likely point out that’s the wrong question. Instead, he’d likely suggest leaning in

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healthy fixes for junk food cravings
Health & Wellness News

Healthy Fixes For Junk Food Cravings

It happens to the best of us: a handful of chips here, a cup of ice cream there and before you know it, you’ve fallen off the healthy eating wagon. Salty, sweet, crunchy snack foods are all around us and oh-so-tempting. And that temptation becomes even stronger when you’re trying

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Catalyst Coaching 360 - Mountain View
Thoughts & Commentary

Creating Your Personal Vision for 2023

“For many, the big choices in life aren’t really choices; they are quicksand. You just sink into the place you happen to be standing.” Author David Brooks is credited with expressing those words, but we ALL know what it’s like to live them. We move through each day, letting the

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Catalyst Coaching 360 homepage hero background image
Thoughts & Commentary

Mastering PREtirement

Are you planning to retire someday? Maybe that “someday” is decades away. Maybe it’s later this year. Regardless of your timeline, this special episode – our 233rd, which kicks off our 5th season – could potentially be among the most important we’ve ever released in terms of impact on the

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Health & Wellness News

Write Your Story: Tapping into world’s greatest mining tool

In early 1848, the entire population of settlers across all of California would fit in a moderate sized high school gym, numbering less than 1,000 people. By the end of the following year, that figure grew exponentially, exceeding 100,000 people. What happened and what does it have to do with

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why healthy diets fail
Health & Wellness News

The 4 Reasons Why Diets Fail

“Losing weight is one of the top resolutions made every year, yet only 20 percent of people achieve successful weight-loss and maintenance,” says Jessica Bartfield, MD, who specializes in nutrition and weight management as part of her internal medicine practice. And despite whole-hearted and good intentions, there are four main

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Food Labeling
Health & Wellness News

What Food Labeling Really Means

by Nikki Tucker Food labeling is required for prepared foods such as bread, cereals, canned food, frozen food, snacks, desserts, drinks etc. Labeling for raw produce is currently voluntary, according to the Food and Drug Administration. However, even with food labeling, many people are misinformed about what’s healthy and what’s

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Getting the right nutrients for your age
Health & Wellness News

Getting The Right Nutrients For Your Age

Age may be nothing more than a number, but when it comes to nutrition status, certain vitamins and minerals may be of concern as people age. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released the Second Nutrition Report which shows that Americans generally have good levels of some

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Certified Wellness Coach
Health & Wellness News

Why Isn’t My Employee Wellness Strategy Working?

Setting Effective Goals for a Successful Employee Wellness Strategy When an employee wellness strategy isn’t working as planned, it’s important to go back to the basics and look at the expectations on both sides. Employees want to improve their health and lives in ways that matter to them, not to

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Workplace Wellness ROI
Health & Wellness News

Increasing Employee Wellness Program ROI

Don’t Miss Opportunities to Boost ROI for Your Employee Wellness Program Are you missing out on one of the most valuable opportunities to increase the ROI for your employee health and wellness program? Most companies focus on the one or two most obvious areas for growth: Health and Wellness. While

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Improve Workplace Wellness
Health & Wellness News

How to Improve Your Employee Wellness Program

Practical Advice for Improving Your Employee Wellness Program How is your company employee wellness program going? If you’re looking for ways to increase your impact and improve the employee experience, we have some practical advice and things to consider for bringing about effective, positive change in your employees’ lives. A

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Value of Health Coaching
Health & Wellness News

The Value of Coaching in Workplace Wellness

What Most Employers Don’t Know About Coaching After 25 years of living in the same area, we decided it was time to make a move. First step once we were serious? Find a real estate agent. We considered several, interviewed three and finally decided on one. But I have a

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Revise Workplace Wellness Program
Health & Wellness News

How to Improve a Workplace Wellness Program

Understanding How to Measure and Revise a Workplace Wellness Program To really understand if workplace wellness programs are “working,” you first need to define what it actually means for a wellness program to “work” and how that is actually measured. For some companies, merely identifying a wellness issue and establishing

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Reflecting Back on 10 Years of Lessons Learned

US Corporate Wellness is honored to be celebrating our 10th year of service here in 2016.  We had no idea where this journey would lead when we launched it from our kitchen table back in early 2007. Like any business, we’ve experienced plenty of ups and downs along the way,

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NEAT Exercises For Couch Potatoes

Simply moving more and sitting less can boost your health because of the calorie burning called NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis. “It takes energy — calories — to move even the smallest muscle,” says Polly de Mille, R.N., an exercise physiologist with the Women’s Sports Medicine Center at the Hospital

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Got 5? 5 Moves That Fit into Any Schedule

If you are like the many Americans who feel there are not enough hours in the day, read on! Below are five simple exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime, and each one takes as little as 60 seconds. Sound too good to be true? It isn’t! These five exercises

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10 Popular Questions About Sleep

Sleep quality and quantity are increasingly popular topics when it comes to overall health and wellness. In this post, we answer the 10 most common questions about sleep that arise when coaching clients about sleep habits and wellbeing. 1. Will getting one hour less of sleep per night affect daytime

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Get 6 Essential Vitamins Through Meals Not Pills

With all the focus on calorie count, BMI, weight and exercise, getting the important vitamin and mineral building blocks of our body’s functions can take a back seat in daily food planning. Essential vitamins are not produced by the body and must be included in meals to keep people alive.

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Lifestyle Factors Are Linked To Successful Weight Loss

Research suggests that the interaction between biological susceptibility and environmental risk is complex and that further study of behavioral typologies related to obesity and associated behaviors is important to further elucidate the nature of obesity risk and how to approach it for intervention. The current investigation aims to identify phenotypical

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Two Ways To Be Happy And Stay That Way

The sayings “variety is the spice of life” and “happiness isn’t getting what you want, but wanting what you get” seem to have a psychological basis, according to a new study by a University of Missouri psychologist who identified two keys to becoming happier and staying that way. “Although the

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Letting Go Of Old Goals And Setting New Ones

Most people go through life setting goals for themselves, which is a healthy habit. But what happens when a life-altering experience renders those goals unachievable or even unhealthy? A new collaborative study published in Psycho-Oncology by Carsten Wrosch of Concordia University’s Department of Psychology and Centre for Research in Human

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Not All Snacks Are Created Equal

Most Greek-style yogurt are high in protein and therefore filling.(Heather Ainsworth, The New York Times) A low-calorie snack can backfire if it doesn’t fill you up, nutritionists say. “It’s more important to choose something that will satisfy longer than to go for a snack simply because it may be lower

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Healthy Weight Measurements

For those people concerned that their body mass index (BMI) score is not accurate due to significant muscle mass, here are two better ways to check for a healthy weight measurement: Waist-to-hip ratio: Wrap a measuring tape around your body at the midpoint between your lowest rib and hip bone

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Safe Effective Strength Training

With New Year’s resolutions still fresh in mind, many people are taking bold steps to get fit and build strength. But some strength training exercises revered by gyms and fitness instructors may not be based on how the body works best. “All too often, strength training programs don’t take into

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Stop Smoking and Benefit

At 20 minutes after quitting: Blood pressure decreases Pulse rate drops Body temperature of hands and feet increases. At 8 hours: Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal Oxygen level in blood increases to normal At 24 hours: Chance of a heart attack decreases At 48 hours: nerve endings

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Holiday Eating Plans

Will you greet January feeling good about how you traversed the round of holiday parties and traditions, or will you be frantically trying to get those extra pounds off in a hurry? If you wait until January to deal with holiday weight gain, you will likely feel frustrated and overwhelmed

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How to Stock Your Pantry

Does your kitchen pantry work with or against your healthy eating habits? For most people, it’s likely time for a makeover. Having a pantry stocked with healthy items will not only make cooking meals and preparing snacks easier, it’ll also make eating wholesome food a breeze. After organizing your pantry,

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Managing Stress

Stress is a normal reaction to change, and can be beneficial for the body in some ways. In most cases, we are able to cope. But when stress becomes chronic and interferes with your daily routine, it can take a heavy toll on your health and wellbeing. According to the

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Physical Activity Impacts Quality of Sleep

Have you ever noticed how much better you sleep after a day of strenuous physical activity, like an intense workout or a heavy day of yard work? Studies have shown that people sleep significantly better and feel more alert during the day if they get at least 150 minutes of

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IQ, Waist-Hip-Ratio Linked

Among 40 year old men who participated in the survey, 5,380 persons had taken an IQ test during the mandatory Swedish conscription examination at a mean (sd) age of 18.1 (1.0) years, 21.0 (1.0) years before the survey. The results of the IQ test were standardized to a normal distribution

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Stabilizing Blood Sugar

The connection between diet and hormones is significant, yet often widely ignored, even though most people recognize that hormones directly impact our health. The most basic link between diet and hormones is this: consuming too much refined flour and sugar disrupts hormonal balance. It is imperative to keep blood sugar

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