CC360 Blog

How to Improve a Workplace Wellness Program

Revise Workplace Wellness Program

Understanding How to Measure and Revise a Workplace Wellness Program

To really understand if workplace wellness programs are “working,” you first need to define what it actually means for a wellness program to “work” and how that is actually measured. For some companies, merely identifying a wellness issue and establishing a program based on checklists and recommendations is a simple way to measure how well the program is working. But is that truly an accurate measure?

People are so much more complex than checklists on paper. Where so many wellness programs fall short is in neglecting to consider how behavioral, nutritional and lifestyle factors affect each person individually–and that checking off boxes doesn’t necessarily imply lasting, positive change. As we discussed with Dr. James Prochaska during our 100th podcast episode, the keys to long-term, meaningful behavior change can be found in his Stages of Change model, based on a one size fits one approach.

Effective, successful wellness programs also integrate research-based methods like the Catalyst Building Blocks of Performance and the use of nationally board-certified coaches into the core strategy of changing individual lives for the better. When we take the one size fits one approach and incorporate the latest research about intrinsic motivation and stages of change, that’s when the real benefits become visible – for both the employee and the organization.

Contact us today to discover more ways to improve your program.

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