CC360 Blog

What Would Odysseus Do?

We continue our BE-coming journey by tuning into our default modes and identifying potential guardrails, both critical keys to the process. In doing so, we’re going to tap into another famous journey: the Odyssey. Written by Homer in the 7th or 8th century BC, it remains one of the oldest

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Catalyst Cornerstones
Thoughts & Commentary

Foundations Over Fads 

In our ongoing BE-coming journey, it is simple (even exciting!) to get sidetracked regarding the “coming” element, and in the process disrupting our BE-ing. Let’s put an end to – or at least tap the brakes on – that this week. If you’ve missed the BE-Coming columns leading up to

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Our lens (ratio) determines our lives 

How are we seeing the world? Our answer likely determines the life we’re living. As we continue our BE-coming journey together (see previous columns here), today we’ll consider the lens through which we are seeing the world and it’s influence on the life we’re living.  For half a century, I’ve

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Adding Zeros for a Better Life

Last week we discussed the Big 3 limiters of Freed Will and how to get rolling with a Time/Money/Health debt snowball to begin opening that funnel to enhance our lives and the lives of our employee team members and coaching clients (you can access previous insights here). Now it’s our

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Time/Money/Health Debt Snowball 

Years ago, a running buddy made a comment that stuck: “It seems life requires you to pick 2 out of 3 among time, money and health. You sacrifice health to earn more money… sacrifice money for time… sacrifice time to boost overall health. We get to choose but one of

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Personal Vision 2023
Thoughts & Commentary

Horton Hears a What?

Dr. Seuss’s elephant Horton was going about his day (On the fifteenth of May, in the jungle of Nool, In the heat of the day, in the cool of the pool…) when he effectively tapped into Phase II of our BE…coming journey. For reasons unknown, yet daringly true … he

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The Role of FREED Will in Health and Wellbeing 

Why not start out the BE…coming journey by diving into a concept that has been engaging philosophers and neuroscientists for thousands of years (free will)? That shouldn’t take more than a few paragraphs, right? 😊 No – we’re not going to jump in the middle of the Plato, Immanuel Kant

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The Foundation and 7 Progressive Steps of BE…coming

Last week, we introduced the concept of BE…coming. What it means, why it matters, and some of the key elements we’ll be covering in the coming weeks for those of you interested in walking this journey with us to enhance health, wellness & life. If you’d like to take a

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The Opportunity in BE…coming

Becoming: to undergo change or development… to change from one state of existence to another. Its root word “come” is a verb of motion from the Old English cumin, which means “to move with the purpose of reaching, or so as to reach, some point; to arrive by movement or

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Thoughts & Commentary

Are We Asking the Wrong Question?

First Principles Thinking in Context of Employee Wellbeing Strategy It’s that time of year when employers are asking “how can we improve our employee wellness program?” If Aristotle were to poke his head in the room, he’d likely point out that’s the wrong question. Instead, he’d likely suggest leaning in

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Catalyst Coaching 360 - Mountain View
Thoughts & Commentary

Creating Your Personal Vision for 2023

“For many, the big choices in life aren’t really choices; they are quicksand. You just sink into the place you happen to be standing.” Author David Brooks is credited with expressing those words, but we ALL know what it’s like to live them. We move through each day, letting the

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Thoughts & Commentary

Mastering PREtirement

Are you planning to retire someday? Maybe that “someday” is decades away. Maybe it’s later this year. Regardless of your timeline, this special episode – our 233rd, which kicks off our 5th season – could potentially be among the most important we’ve ever released in terms of impact on the

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Health & Wellness News

Write Your Story: Tapping into world’s greatest mining tool

In early 1848, the entire population of settlers across all of California would fit in a moderate sized high school gym, numbering less than 1,000 people. By the end of the following year, that figure grew exponentially, exceeding 100,000 people. What happened and what does it have to do with

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