CC360 Blog

Choose Your Hard

When it comes to making positive changes in our health, wellness, and life, we often find ourselves fixated on two words: “It’s hard.” Indeed, the process of change can be a formidable challenge. Even if we’re dissatisfied with our current circumstances, the gravitational pull of our ingrained habits and routines

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Sports and Spherical Thinking

As I sit here at my keyboard, my gaze lands upon a cherished gift from our daughter, Danielle, and a smile graces my lips. It’s a framed collection of precious family memories, and what strikes me is that six out of the ten featured moments revolve around sporting and athletic

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Autopilot: The Invisible Opportunity

Autopilot, the silent conductor of our lives, wields both incredible power and perilous influence over our health, wellness, and performance. Paradoxically, it holds the key to both our ascent and our downfall. These two seemingly contradictory statements are a testament to the dual nature of autopilot, often overlooked by many.

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Graduation (at any age)

A recent guest on the Catalyst 360 podcast left me pleasantly surprised when he used a unique choice of words to describe a significant transition in his life: graduation. Our conversation had nothing to do with school; rather, we were discussing what most people would commonly refer to as “retirement”

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Playing Jenga with Employee Wellbeing
Thoughts & Commentary

Playing Jenga with Employee Wellbeing

Are you a fan of Jenga? This classic game starts with a tower constructed from identical wooden blocks, and players take turns removing these blocks until the tower inevitably tumbles. A recent column by Seth Godin discussed the peril of businesses engaging in a similar activity, which got me pondering

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One of the most important elements leading toward enhanced health, wellness, performance and life is margins. That’s right: margins. The difference between “available” and “committed.” As we discussed in this episode, access to Freed Will (in contrast to Free Will) depends upon it – perhaps more than any other aspect

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In the Meantime

I can’t get author Jenny O’Dell’s words out of my head: “In the meantime, you wait with your ear to ground for patterns of vibration that will never repeat themselves. Faced with flatness, you look for an opening…take it… and don’t look back.” Did that capture your heart? Create cause

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What Would Odysseus Do?

We continue our BE-coming journey by tuning into our default modes and identifying potential guardrails, both critical keys to the process. In doing so, we’re going to tap into another famous journey: the Odyssey. Written by Homer in the 7th or 8th century BC, it remains one of the oldest

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