CC360 Blog

CC #3

“To sing with the gods, you sometimes need a ladder,” claims Whitney Houston (referencing her drug use) in the recent film portraying her life. Think about that statement for a moment. The individual with quite possibly the greatest voice in a generation (I – Brad – was moved to tears throughout, reflecting on the power of her music) believed she needed something more – a “something” that would eventually end her life. The most beautiful voice on the planet – feeling inadequate – about her voice! It’s easy to shake our heads in disbelief, but maybe it’s worth a peek in the mirror to consider our own rationalizations in the contexts of our gifts? I (Brad) know I have my own feelings of inadequacy. Am I filling those with paper ladders? Or tuning into what those might be signalling at a deeper level? Maybe, instead of the ladder, it’s worth taking the stairs…

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