CC360 Blog

Where Motivation Falls Short

Motivation sells. Posters, action-hero films, heart-pumping playlists, YouTube speeches, books, podcasts and more, motivation is the caffeine of positive movement forward. It’s the lightning before the thunder… the (positive) shock to our system… the lift, boost, and jumpstart to make things happen!! Back in college, my role as an athletic trainer at the university provided the opportunity to be in the locker room when one of the top coaches around gave the pre-game speech to the players. When he wrapped up, I was ready to run through a wall and take on the 7-footers on the other side of that wall all by myself – and I wasn’t even on the team!

However, while motivation is the spark, the boost, and the jumpstart, it’s how we BUILD from that initial driver that creates the foundational elements that make up our lives. Had I tried to actually run through that wall without a battering ram (or at least a rotary saw), the results would have been lacking. Motivation provides a great launchpad, but without the ABCs that follow, it’s all for naught.

There’s an old saying (likely attributed to Abe Lincoln, Maya Angelou and Ghandi simultaneously 😉) “Show me your habits and I’ll show you your future.” No mention of our ultimate gym posters, Instagram feeds, or playlists. Show me your HABITS. Research is clear about the fact that consistent – even lower intensity – fitness pursuits trump the “go big or go home” approach… every time. Motivation can get us moving – and sometimes that’s exactly what we need. The ABCs (Automate the Better Choice) then keep us moving forward.  

Salt & Pepper… Batman & Robin… ebony & ivory… yin & yang… Rock ‘n Roll. Motivation & Automation provide the two-step to a better life. Motivation gets the ball rolling… but Automation KEEPS it rolling. Let’s do some automating today – together!

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