CC360 Blog

The 360 Wellbeing Checkup® – The Nation’s Only Trademarked, Board-Certified Coaching Approach

A person's hand holds a stamp that says Registered Trademark

Refusing to take the easy route and settle for the one-size-fits-all option has driven innovation across multiple industries. For example, FedEx as an alternative to standard mail, Nike as a specialized shoe designed for runners, and the iPod as a sleeker alternative to the Sony Walkman (not to mention paving the way for the iPhone).

It was in that same spirit in 2007 that Catalyst Coaching’s vision of a more effective approach to employee health and wellbeing was created. For over 18 years, Catalyst Coaching focused exclusively on building a personalized, nationally board-certified coaching solution for employers, EAPs and wellness providers. And now, our visionary process has earned U.S. Patent & Trademark Office trademark status: 360 Wellbeing Checkup®.

Easily integrated into existing programs, our trademarked approach can also stand-alone as a powerful tool with value-based pricing so you can customize a solution or take advantage of our popular tiers:

  • Core: A low-cost, high-value option that provides a meaningful way to support employees, focused on physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Core Plus: This is our most popular model, which integrates four targeted annual sessions (sleep, stress, mental fitness, managing chronic conditions, etc.), which can take advantage of our specialty coaching options.
  • Peak Performance: This option offers up to 12 annual coaching sessions that allow you to move forward professionally or personally.

Learn more about our program and our specialty coaching options at

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