CC360 Blog

Flip the Funnel

It is common to view life as a big ol’ funnel. We begin as a blank slate, soaking in a veritable plethora of new sensations, experiences, insights and more. With each passing year, those shape (narrow?) us, our interpretation of the world, and our vision for our lives. Initially, the funnel provides a vast scoop for collecting the new, the surprising, the never considered. Then, over time, the funnel narrows as our preconceived (previously scooped) ideas, plans, and views shrink our perceived need to continue collecting new insights. In one way, this can be extraordinarily valuable, as it allows us to scale ever greater heights. The fine-tuning over time provides quicker decisions, expanded toolboxes and a clarity of direction.

Until it doesn’t.

At some point in our lives, the funnel can narrow to the point of creating blinders. We already “know” the answer. We are certain about the best path forward. We no longer have a need or desire to seek out new information (or so we’ve convinced ourselves). We’re locked in – professionally or personally – or both. New information is seen as an unnecessary distraction within our busy path forward. But what if we flipped the funnel?

Oliver Wendell Holmes reminded us “A mind stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” What if, instead of evolving into the all-knowing “get off my lawn” guy, we flipped the funnel and saw our growth through life as an ever-expanding pallet of curious exploration? Rather than assuming we already have all the answers, what if we instead tuned into the realization the world is ever changing? What if we opened our eyes to understanding yesterday’s answers are YESTERDAY’S answers and intentionally expanding, not shrinking, our funnel is the key to ongoing meaning and purpose (and impact).

Are we simply “getting” older? or actually “growing” older? What sounds like a simple distinction is nothing of the sort. At 58, I can be pretty set in my ways. But I’m also trying out new marathon training strategies, tapping into music I’ve ignored over the years, experimenting with different rhythms, and expanding my reading list. Yes – I like my routines! But by flipping the funnel, the discoveries may just blossom into fields of opportunity, new friends, and expanded insights.

Ready to grow? Let’s flip that funnel!

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