A life-long lover of learning and serving others in wellness, Erin is continually inspired by the gifts that working with clients brings to her. She loves honoring the client’s inherent gifts of knowledge, opening their eyes and hearts to their own self-awareness and wellness visioning. Erin celebrates witnessing her clients find the motivation and self-efficacy in themselves that leads to positive and consistent cognitive behavioral change in all areas of health and wellness.
Erin’s educational history includes a Pre-Med degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio as well as a Masters and Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy from Northwestern University’s Feinburg School of Medicine. She loves being a National Board Ceritifed Health & Wellness Coach and Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Practitioner, and incorporating her training in Yoga, Pilates and Eccentrics to assure each client she serves has support as they become independent in their personal wellness plan. Erin is proud to be a support to Catalyst Coaching 360 dedicated to optimizing health and wellness in individuals.
Erin’s greatest delights include being a wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend. The hearts of her family and pups Jack, Dianne and Mister Shep inspire her daily. Her favorite things include being outside in Colorado, reading, and trying to garden.